Found: H.H. Bennett Studio, Wisconsin Dells, WI

Found: The H.H. Bennett Studio founded 1865. The Bennett Studio Today. Oldest in Wisconsin
© 1965 H. H. Bennett Studio Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. Text on back of card reads: "The Studio was founded
by the late H. H. Bennett, a young Civil War veteran, in 1865. The present quarters were built in 1875 and
remodeled in 1917. Since its beginning, it has been continuously operated by members of the same family as a landscape
and portrait studio. During the lifetime of H. H. Bennett, until his death in 1908, most of his time, effort, and artistic
ability were employed in landscape photography. He built all his cameras, constantly devising improvements such as fast shutters for stop-action pictures. With these homemade cameras he made memorable views of Milwaukee, St. Paul and the bluff country of the upper Mississippi valley, but most of his photographs show the Dells of the Wisconsin and the nearby country. For over forty years he spent many days in the Dells trying to capture the best possible view of every interesting spot. Luckily the stereoscopic, or three-dimensional, photographs was very popular at the time, and the sale of Bennett's stereo-graphs of the Dells had a great influence in
bringing travelers to the Dells in the early days. Now the Bennett Studio is a century old and its operation
has covered changes in photographic methods from wet plates to color photography, and from head clamps to speed lights.
A small museum at the Studio, open to the public, shows much of the equipment used by Mr. Bennett in capturing his incomparable views. 
These photographs, old and yet ever new may still be purchased at the Bennett Studio."
Found: "Watch" Jumping Stand Rock at Wisconsin Dells.
 A Thrill for Camera Fans. "Watch," a trained dog, leaps the chasm
at Stand Rock, spectacular scenic formation at Wisocnsin Dells.
He affords amateur photographers an unusual  "shot" and is
a thrill to all visitors. Copyrighted H. H. Bennett Studio,
Wisconsin Dells, Wis. Genuine Curteich C.T. Art Colortone postcard.
Written in ballpoint pen on the back:
"Hi Dotty. This is a card from our honeymoon that I thought
you might like to add to your collections.
I couldn't mail it in Wisc. because I didn't have your address.
We had a grant time. Sincerely, Rosie & Wimp."
Postmarked June 9, 1955.
Found: Luncheon Hall, Dells Kilbourn, Wis. No. 6.
Written in fountain pen on the back: "Dear Cousin. Received your card sometime ago but have been
so busy with my sweater. Have it all done except the collar and belt. The weahter is about the 
ame lots of snow and cold. How is the baby and all of the rest of the folks. Your cousin, Sadie."
Postmarked February 19, 1909.

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